Friday, December 21, 2012

On A Mission...My list for 12.21.2012

My Mission:
A list of 112 things to do before the SUPPOSED, "end of the world" - 12.21.2012

Oh yes & By the way, check out this awesome little countdown! -------------------------------------------------------------------------->

Okay, Okay - so just hold it there a quick little second...Let me just set one thing strait:

As a believer in Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior - The Bible says in Matthew 24:36
That the Day and Hour are Unknown:
"No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father."

So I don't believe the world will end on that day. Something significant, maybe. But I'm not scared to say the least. Only god himself knows...I guess only time will tell.

So what's the point of all this? Well, I was reading a friend of mines blog, and she is currently doing 101 in 1001 days. I thought it was a good idea...a GREAT idea! So here I am...Instead of 12.21.2012 being a date of something negative the people and the media are making it out to be - personally, I want to make it a positive one. A goal for myself. I can't say I've ever made a goal for myself. So why not 112 of them...Lol! I'll be sure to keep the list who's with me!?!? :D :D :D

Here we go...In no particular order:
Family and Kids:

1.Do 1 "out of the house" activity per week(2/208)
2.Family game/movie night once a Month(1/52)
3.Find a class and/or school for Noah
4.Get on Birth Control
5.Give both Kody and Costanza a bath BY MYSELF! (and haircut/grooming for Kody)
6.Do a craft project with the kids every other week(0/104)
7.Read an additional 10 mins a day with the kids (about 30 mins total per day)(15/1455)
8.Have a lesson 3 days a week(5/624)
9.Find a sport, team, or activity outside the house for Noah


10.Put $25 aside per month into the savings account(0/52)
11.Tithe 10% of all my income

Travel and Vacation:

12.Get our passports
13.Go to Japan for our Honeymoon
14.Take a cruise
15.Take Rey to see the Carlsbad Caverns & White Sands
16.Visit Rey's Family in Germany
17.Go back to Minnesota once per year(0/4)
18.Use our free trip to San Diego
19.Go to Arizona for a week
20.Take my family on the "polar express" in Colorado

Personal Wellness and Goals:

21.Get a yearly physical(0/4)
22.Go to the dentist
23.Get my eyes checked
24.Lose 40 Lbs (6/40)
25.Stop drinking soda
26.Walk/run a minimum of 5 miles per week(5/208)
27.Gradually transform my fridge and pantry into healthier foods
28.Make taking Vitamins a habit


29.Get my boys baptized
30.Go to church 4 times per month (weather it be Sunday OR Wednesday service)(0/832)
31.Go on a woman's or Marriage retreat
32.Make time to read the Bible one hour per week(0/208)

Cleanliness and Organization:

33.Take down the old sheds
34.Clean the garage (SCARY!)
35.Wash and vacuum my car once a month(0/52)
36.Organize every drawer
37.Organize every cupboard
38.Organize every closet
39.Go through Noah's Toys
40.Organize the photos on my computer
41.Teach my kids to take their shoes off at the door

My Hubby:

42.Have a monthly date(0/52)
43.Have our wedding/renewal of vows
44.Leave 5 notes in 5 different hidden places, letting Rey know how much I Love and appreciate him(0/5)
45.Surprise Rey with Denver Bronco tickets!

Community and World:

46.Donate 3 car trips worth of stuff to the goodwill(0/3)
47.Volunteer 40 hours of my time(0/40)
48.Donate $100 to any cause or charity(0/100)
49.Sponsor a child through the Christian Childrens Fund for a minimum of 6 months(0/6)


50.Visit every park in Albuquerque(1/303)
51.Have a "REAL" picnic, with a picnic basket, a shady tree, a red and with checkered blanket, and some lemonade!
53.Be an extra in a movie or TV show
54.Learn all my camera features and settings
55.Have all my Christmas decorations put away by January 2nd
56.Read 3 books - back2back
57.Watch all the movies released in the year I was born, 1985(7/197)
58.Learn and make a new recipe once a month(1/52)
59.Play Soul caliber with Rey (Rey's favorite Video Game)
60.figure out my I-Pod
61.Change all my light bulbs to energy efficient ones(0/26)
62.Try Vietnamese food
63.Wake up at 5am just to read the morning paper
64.Ride in a hot air balloon
65.Get professional photos of vain.
66.Eat peas(one of my most disliked foods)for breakfast, lunch, and dinner in one day
67.Convert all of our Home videos into DVD's

Home, Remodeling, and fix-its:

70.Bathroom #2
71.Our Bedroom
72.Guest Bedroom
73.Guest Bedroom #2
74.Noah's Bedroom
76.Den/game room
78.Paint Zackariah's crib
79.Paint our Bed
80.Re-do our vintage camper (see # 93)
81.Repair/sew all the holes in our clothing
82.Fix the knob on our TV stand
83.Fix the fireplace
84.Sew Noah's Bed Comforter

The "Buy" List:

85.New luggage
86.New tennis shoes
87.The John Tesh's book - Intelligence for your Life
88.A new wardrobe containing: 5 pairs of Jeans, 10 shirts, 2 dresses, new socks, and New Bras(3/19)
89.5 things from my Amazon wish list(0/5)
90.A red Pair of chucks
91.Any "As-seen-on-TV" product, bought through the TV
92.A New Mattress
93.A vintage Camper
94.White hangers (to replace my non matching rainbow ones)


95.PAY for a hair cut & A DYE!
96.Attempt to grow my brows using product OR tattoo them
97.Get my teeth whitened
98.Re-pierce my nose
99.Get a pedicure (EEEeeeekkk - I'm Ticklish!!)


100.Send everyone I'm close to an update letter letting them know how much I love/care/miss them
101.Send thank you cards consistently
102.Send Birthday cards to my immediate family
103.Have a dinner at our house every other month(0/26)
104.Have a Poker party

Hobbies (just to ensure I keep a little time to myself on the side!):

105.Enter 100 sweepstakes per week (
106.Make 1 scrapbook page per week(0/208)
107.Take a photography class
108.Have a Grey's Anatomy Marathon
109.Paint a painting


110.My Caltoy puppets(0/30)
111.Attempt to sell my painting (see # 109)
112.Have a garage sale